Cucumbers are a subtle kind of fruit. They’re never the main character in dishes, but they certainly play important roles in salads, sandwiches, and even drinks—both fresh and pickled.
So really, there’s no reason you wouldn’t want to learn all there is to know about cucumbers. Including how to grow them yourself! Keep reading to discover all you could possible want to know about cucumbers.
Growing, Harvesting, Storing, and Consuming Cucumbers
You’ve decided that you’re ready to take on the challenge of growing your own cucumbers. There’s no denying that this is the tougher route, but it will certainly give you more satisfaction then just driving over to the grocery store!
If you’re new to home gardening, then start out with our complete guide to get your bearings. But if you already know what you don’t know, then head straight for the information you need.
A Guide to Growing Cucumbers
Cucumber Seeds
Cucumber Plant Stages
How to Grow Cucumbers Vertically
Properly Pruning Cucumbers
Companion Plants For Cucumbers
Harvesting Cucumbers
Storing Cucumbers
The Best Pickling Cucumbers
Pickling Cucumbers
Pickling Kits
Cucumber Vodka Drinks Recipes
Cucumber Products
If you need a little guidance on the best products to use on your cucumber growing adventure, you’ve come to the right place! Check out my well-researched advice on all the best cucumber brands.
Cucumber Seeds
Cucumber Peelers
Cucumber Slicers
Cucumber Trellises
Pickling Kits
Cucumber Varieties
Oh, the places they’ll grow… they being all the cucumber varieties out there! As you can tell, there are a lot. Browse through our long selection of variety profiles, or take a more selective dive into the best Pickling Cucumbers of Slicing Cucumbers, first.
Armenian Cucumbers
Beit Alpha Cucumbers
Burpless Beauty Cucumbers
Burpless Cucumbers
Bush Champion Cucumbers
Bush Pickle Cucumbers
Calypso Cucumbers
Chicago Pickling Cucumber
Crystal Apple Cucumbers
Curious Pick-a-Bushel Cucumbers
Diva Cucumbers
Eureka Cucumber
Cucumbers in the Kitchen
Cucumbers are known for their healthy taste and their crunchy texture. But did you know that they can also be an impressive ingredient in drinks, both water based and alcoholic? Learn how to mix delicious cocktails and more!
Cucumber Margarita
Cucumber Martini
Cucumber Water
Cucumber FAQ
What’s the difference between cucumbers and zucchini?
If you’ve wondered this question before, there’s no need to be embarrassed! You’d be surprised by the amount of people who come home from the grocery store with cucumbers instead of zucchini, or the other way around. So, what’s the difference? Learn more about Zucchini vs. Cucumber to find out!
How do I grow cucumbers at home?
It’s not difficult! It just requires time and attention.
Lucky for you, I’ve got an entire Guide to Growing Cucumbers to teach you just that! But if you want something more specific, his up my Growing, Harvesting, Storing, and Consuming Cucumbers section to find exactly what you need.
How much sun do cucumbers need to grow?
Cucumbers thrive in full sun, requiring at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day.
How often should cucumber plants be watered?
Cucumber plants need consistent watering. They should be watered deeply at least once or twice a week, more often during dry spells.
When is the best time to pick cucumbers?
Cucumbers can be harvested when they are about the size of a pencil to as large as they grow. Generally, the size of the harvest depends on the variety and the intended use.
How do you pickle cucumbers?
Learning how to turn cucumbers into pickles is easier than you’d imagine, but it is also important to stick to the guidelines. First, learn which pickling cucumbers are the best to grow at home. Next, choose the best pickling kit that will fit your needs, and finally, learn how to pickle cucumbers!
Are cucumber flowers edible?
Yes, cucumber flowers are edible and can be used in salads or as a garnish.
Become a Cucumber Master!
I hope you found the cucumber related information you were looking for. If not, check back often, because we are always updating our information!
In the meantime, learn all about subtle and not-so-subtle fruits and vegetables: