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Pomegranate Tree

The pomegranate tree produces fruit so iconic that it rivals the apple in the number of times it appears in myths, origin stories, religious texts, and beyond.  Depending on your chosen source, pomegranates represent life, fertility, righteousness, sensuality, but also death and/or resurrection.   

It’s no wonder that cultures and religions around the world are so inspired by pomegranates. With a tough peel and hundreds of vibrantly colored arils, it’s quite easy to turn this beautiful and tasty fruit into a symbol for a great many things.   

Ready to grow them for yourself, and establish your own meaning for this fruit? Then keep reading for guides, tips, recipes, and more!

pomegranates on a pomegranate tree.

Planting a Pomegranate Tree

Let’s start with the basics!

How to Plant a Pomegranate

In addition to delving into the cultural significance of the pomegranate and various pomegranate varieties, this post teaches you step-by-step how to plant both a young pomegranate tree from a nursery, and from seed. That way you can choose whichever one you prefer! 

Growing a Pomegranate Tree

Once your pomegranate tree or seed is planted, the fun really begins!

How to Grow a Pomegranate Tree

Not sure you have what it takes to grow a pomegranate tree? Take a peek at this post (even if you haven’t planted your pomegranate tree yet) to see if you are in the correct geographic location and have the capabilities to care for it properly. 

How to Prune a Pomegranate Tree

The pomegranate tree might be considered quasi-magical in several cultures and religions, but the truth is that it needs to be pruned just like any good old fruit tree! Pruning is essential to maintaining a pomegranate tree’s health and pest/disease resistance. Learn how to do it right!

Fertilizer for Pomegranate Trees

One of the best things you can do for your pomegranate tree is to make sure that its soil is rich in the appropriate nutrients. This post lists my favorite fertilizers! But if you’re in a hurry, I’ve highlighted three of them here:

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A pomegranate rootball.

Harvesting Pomegranates

Now comes one of the best parts! It’s time to harvest your pomegranates!

When to Pick Pomegranates

This is the perfect guide for gardeners getting ready to harvest their first batch of pomegranates. This post guides you through several different factors to help you estimate when it’s time to pick your pomegranates!

How to Tell if a Pomegranate is Ripe

Unlike other fruits that have more obvious signs, it’s more difficult to tell when a pomegranate is ripe. Especially if you’re not growing the pomegranates yourself, but simply choosing them from the supermarket! This post will help you choose pomegranates that are just right. 

How to Pick a Pomegranate

Though it reviews similar topics to the posts listed above, this guide helps you pick the best pomegranates based on how you intend to use them. For example, you might not pick the same pomegranates for baking as those you want for fresh juice!

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Pomegranates in the Kitchen

Now for my personal favorite part: using pomegranates in the kitchen!

Preparing Pomegranates

It’s no mystery that this fruit is famously tricky to eat. Between its tough leathery peel and small juicy arils, eating a pomegranate might just be a recipe for disaster for anyone wearing white—but not if you follow these guidelines!

Can You Eat Pomegranate Seeds?

This post is for those of you still feeling a bit suspicious about this strange fruit. Take a look at what research says before including them in your future recipes. 

How To Peel a Pomegranate

You might be wondering: is it even possible to peel a pomegranate? Yes, and there are several ways to do so depending on how much time you have!

How to Cut Pomegranates

A lot of the techniques listed here overlap with those presented in How to Peel a Pomegranate mentioned above. See if a different presentation makes you pick a different favorite. 

Deseeding Pomegranates

This post about deseeding focuses on the water method and provides many pictures to explain each step in detail. 

hands deseeding a pomegranate into a bowl.

Pomegranate Recipes

As you might imagine, the many arils within pomegranates lend themselves to being sprinkled on a great variety of dishes. But our pomegranate recipes don’t end there!

Incredibly Fresh and Delicious Pomegranate Salad

Healthy Pomegranate Tea With Mint and Lemon

Healthy Hack: Fresh Pomegranate Lemonade, 4 Ingredients Only!

Totally Festive Homemade Pomegranate Cake

Delicious Pomegranate Chicken

Luscious Lemon Chess Pie with Sweet Pomegranate Glaze

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Health Benefits of Pomegranates

Did you know that pomegranates are also incredibly healthy for you? No wonder the ancients loved them so much! Maybe they’d already figured it out. 

Health Benefits of Pomegranates

Take a dive into the health benefits of pomegranates and discover why exactly they’re so good for us. 

A woman picking a pomegranate.

Storing Pomegranates

If you grow your own pomegranate trees, you might run into the problem of simply having too many pomegranates by the end of the season. You can’t eat them all yourself, but it would be a terrible shame to waste them!

What to do? You learn how to store them, of course!

How to Store Pomegranates

Learn how to lengthen the shelf life of your favorite juicy fruit. 

Uses For Frozen Pomegranate Seeds

How to enjoy your pomegranates any time of the year!

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Pomegranate Varieties

Just like any other fruit, there are several varieties of pomegranates out there. Take a look at a couple that I have featured previously:

Pomegranate Bonsai
Dwarf Pomegranate
Eversweet Pomegranate Tree

a person reaching for a pomegranate.

Pomegranate FAQs

Is it possible to grow pomegranate trees at home?

It is. Pomegranates can be grown inside a pot indoors. To survive, though, growers need to ensure they receive ample sunlight and water, as well as are in a suitable climate. Pomegranate trees can be moved outside during nice weather, then moved back indoors if the temperature drops. 

Take a look at my How to Plant a Pomegranate post to learn about some dwarf pomegranate varieties that are best suited for growing in pots.

Where should I plant a pomegranate tree?

The most optimal environments for pomegranate trees are USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 7 to 10, which is the Southern half of the U.S. (anything below Kansas) and the West Coast.

Think cool winters and hot summers. Areas that have proper drainage and sandy, loamy soil will provide the best chances of success. Plant your tree so that it can be in the best position for sun.

For a more detailed guide, check out my How to Grow a Pomegranate Tree.

Should pomegranate trees be pruned?

The best time to prune pomegranate trees is late winter once the frost season is over but before the buds have begun to open. From there, you can prune out stray branches throughout the season.

The first few years of a pomegranate tree’s life will require the most intensive pruning, giving the best shot of a long and hardy life. By year three, a light annual pruning before the bloom will suffice.

For more information, check out my How to Prune a Pomegranate Tree.

How can I make my tree bear sweeter fruit?

Avoid overwatering your pomegranate tree as it gets closer to maturity. By three years old, you can likely cut down waterings to monthly. You can also enrich the soil with nutrient-rich fertilizer that can help produce sweeter and juicier fruit.

Is it okay to eat pomegranate seeds?

Not only are pomegranate seeds edible, but they are also nutritious and delicious. They are a great source of antioxidants, which can strengthen your body’s immune system. Pomegranate seeds can be a fun topping to salads. They can be roasted, blended in a smoothie, or sprinkled on your tacos for an extra kick.

Check out my pomegranates in the kitchen section for some more great recipes!

Closeup of red pomegranates on trees.

Can dogs and cats eat pomegranates?

Yes and no. While the fruit isn’t technically poisonous for your furry friends, it could cause them an upset stomach. Read more about it in our post, Can Dogs Eat Pomegranates? and Can Cats Eat Pomegranates?

How do I peel a pomegranate?

You’ll want to remove the skin before eating. You can make small cuts around the perimeter, then use your fingers or the dull edge of a knife to peel away the skin.

Read about more techniques in the preparing pomegranates section.

What do I feed pomegranate trees?

The three core elements a pomegranate tree needs to survive are sunlight, water, and soil. Is your tree in a spot to capture enough sun? Is it getting enough water? One inch of water per week is preferred.

Is your soil enriched enough to provide the necessary nitrogen and potassium to the roots? To give your tree a nutrient boost, you can feed it nitrogen-enriched fertilizer.

Check out my pomegranate tree growing section for more in-depth guides.

Why do pomegranates have so many seeds?

There are a few theories. Because they survived by birds spreading their seeds, pomegranates evolved to produce tons of brightly colored seeds, making it easy for birds to spot and spread.

In Judaism, pomegranates are holy fruit because they’re said to have 613 seeds, one bestowed for each mitzvah in the Torah. Ultimately, we’ll probably never get an exact answer. Chalk it up to Mother Nature keeping her lips sealed.

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Keep Learning About Pomegranates

If you love pomegranates, then bookmark this page and check back often. We’re adding new pomegranate content all the time!

In the meantime, read up on some other iconic fruits: