If you love apples, you must explore the myriad of crabapple tree varieties. The biggest difference between apples and crabapples is fruit size; crabapple trees produce fruit smaller than two inches in diameter.
Tastewise and crabapples are typically sourer than regular apples, but not overwhelmingly so. Crabapple tree varieties are incredibly popular across North America, so if you’re here because you want to plant a crabapple tree, you’ve come to the right place.
The decision to plant a crabapple tree is a decades-long choice. This page will include links to each variety with information about its history and how to grow it, allowing you to select your favorite variety confidently.
Read on to learn about 45 crabapple tree varieties!

45 Crapabble Tree Varieties
Here are the 45 crabapple trees we gathered for you!
Sargent Crabapple
The Sargent crabapple tree variety is disease-resistant and drought-resistant, most popular for its ornamental value in home landscapes. Producing beautiful white or pink blossoms in the spring, then small colorful fruit follows in the fall.
They grow up to 20 feet tall and produce oval-shaped, dark green leaves after the spring flowering period ends. In the fall, they will display beautiful yellow leaves. Check availability.
Royal Raindrops Crabapple
The Royal Raindrops Crabapple tree produces luscious pink flowers and deep purple foliage. It’s a newer crabapple variety and quickly rising in popularity. The tree will reach 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide.
Fruits appear from late summer to early winter, and these beautiful trees keep their leaves throughout the summer. In fall, they’ll fade to an attractive orange-bronze color. Check Availability.
Spring Snow Crabapple
The Spring Snow Crabapple tree variety is often used as a focal point in home gardens because of its beautiful spring flowers, which are white and fragrant. This is a fruitless variety, so gardeners who aren’t interested in the mess that comes with fruiting trees appreciate it.
Leaves turn green in the summer and yellow in the fall. The tree’s snow-laden bark adds a special accent to your winter holiday decor. Check availability.
Dolgo Crabapple
Due to its long bloom time, the Dolgo Crabapple tree is a beautiful, cold-resistant, and disease-resistant variety and a good pollinator for other apple and crabapple trees. Its spring foliage will showcase white flowers, then forms shiny green leaves.
Crimson crabapples will form in summer that are 1-1.5 inches in diameter for harvest in August and September through December. The variety is an excellent selection for deer hunting plots due to its slow fruit drop over time. Check availability.
Lollipop Crabapple
The Lollipop Crabapple tree variety is known for its small stature and blossoms resembling clouds. In the summer, the leaves become an array of bright green, and the fall brings yellow leaves with tiny red fruit that last into winter.
Small and sturdy, Lollipop Crabapples only reach ten feet tall with ten feet spread. The tree’s low canopy is typically only four feet above the ground. Check Availability.
Sugar Tyme Crabapple
The Sugar Tyme is a top-rated crabapple tree variety. Butterflies love its beautiful white blossoms with a yellow center for their sweet fragrant nectar. The leaves turn bright, shiny green in summer and golden yellow in fall.
Bright red fruit forms in late summer and lasts through winter. Birds return from their winter migration to pick it clean for the next season. This variety is in high demand! Check availability.
Coralburst Crabapple
The Coralburst Crabapple is tidy and compact crabapple tree variety, blooming with ruby red flowers in the spring. In summer, the leaves turn into tiny dark green leaves. Fall will bring yellow leaves.
Its growth rate is slow, so pruning may not be needed. Attractive to birds and pollinators, this beautiful tree makes an excellent accent tree. Check availability.
Snowdrift Crabapple
A Snowdrift Crabapple tree variety has pink buds that burst into snowy white flowers in the spring. Summer brings shiny, green leaves, then the leaves turn yellow and orange-red fruit emerges.
Birds and pollinators are naturally attracted to the Snowdrift, which grows at a medium rate of 13 to 24 inches per year. It will reach 15 to 20 feet tall at maturity, and its spread will be the same size. Check Availability.
Red Jewel Crabapple
A Red Jewel Crabapple tree variety is known for its beautiful spring white flowers and bright-colored red fruit. It will reach 12 to 15 feet at maturity with a 10 to 15 spread. The flowers turn to green oval foliage in the summer, then yellow in the fall when the fruit blossoms.
Little pruning is required to develop a strong structure. The tree is most popular in parking lots, along streets and sidewalks, and of course, in lawns! Check availability.
Adirondack Crabapple
The Adirondack Crabapple is an award-winning crabapple tree variety, the recipient of the Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. It reaches a mature height of 12 to 15 feet and a spread of 6-10 feet. Once established, the tree is drought-tolerant.
White flowers bloom in late spring, and it is one of the most extravagant flower trees. Fruit follows the half-an-inch-wide flowers and lasts into winter. Birds enjoy feasting on any unpicked mushy fruit.
The fruit is toxic to dogs, cats, and horses. The Adirondack Crabapple Tree is most popular in small cities or cottage gardens. Check availability.
Purple Prince Crabapple
The Purple Prince Crabapple tree is unique, with its superb rose red flowers blooming in mid-spring and purple leaves showcased all summer long. Maroon fruits appear in the fall and stay through winter. This tree will add ornamental value to any landscape.
Reaching 16 to 18 feet at maturity with a spread of 15 to 18 feet, the Purple Prince grows great in groups of three or along driveways. They also work great as a landscape backdrop. Check availability.
Prairifire Crabapple
The Prairiefire Crabapple’s dark pink or red flowers attract tree lovers to this variety. These remarkable flowers last a long time, then become dark green with purple-red veins over the summer before turning bronze in fall when fruit blossoms.
The tree was introduced at the University of Illinois in 1982 as a disease-resistant tree, and the misspelling of the name was intentional. It’s self-fertile and a bold addition to all types of landscapes. Check availability.
Robinson Crabapple
The Robinson Crabapple tree blossoms large deep-pink flowers that add ornamental value to any landscape. Popular for photographing and movie scenes, the Robinson Crabapple is sweet, fragrant, and loved by pollinators.
Mature trees will reach 15 to 20 feet tall with a spread of 15 to 25 feet. The tree never fails to attract attention, so be prepared to be the center of the neighborhood if you decide to add this tree to your yard. Check availability.
Profusion Crabapple
The Profusion Crabapple tree variety is an incredible tree with beautiful pink flowers in the spring that fade to green leaves throughout the summer. Fall brings orange leaves and tiny delicious fruits.
This tree is the perfect accent to most yards, growing 15 to 20 feet at maturity with a spread of 20-30 feet. Check availability.
Harvest Gold Crabapple
The Harvest Gold crabapple is a warm addition to any landscape, with delicate white flowers in the spring and yellow-golden fruits that blossom summer through winter. The tree’s green leaves will turn a golden hue in the fall.
A mature Harvest Gold will grow 20 to 25 feet, with a width between 15 to 20 feet. They make a fantastic focal point for landscapes.
Donald Wyman Crabapple
The Donald Wyman Crabapple variety was a chance seedling discovered at Harvold’s Arnold Arbortorean, with the head horticulturist being named none other than Donald Wyman.
This tree is a great choice for home gardens, with a beautiful canopy for shade and dark pink flowers that age to pure white in the spring. It’s no surprise it’s a bird and butterfly magnet. Mature trees of this variety reach 15 to 20 feet and spread 17 to 20 feet wide. Check availability.
Firebird Crabapple
The Firebird Crabapple tree variety originates from an open-pollinated seedling of the Sargent Crabapple. It is a compact version of its parent that grows more upright during its younger years.
Reaching only eight feet tall at maturity and twelve feet spread, the Firebird has gorgeous white, fragrant, single blooms in the spring and green foliage that turns yellowish in fall. Tiny red fruits last through winter. Check availability.
Whitney Crabapple
The Whitney Crabapple tree variety originated in Franklin Grove, Illinois, around 1869. Producing beautiful pink and white flowers in spring and golfball-sized fruit, perfect for canning and cider in the fall. Mature trees reach 12 to 15 feet tall and the same width. Check availability.
Red Baron Crabapple
The Red Baron Crabapple tree variety is distinguished by its large clusters of red flowers in the spring, covering its branches with intense scarlet. Copper leaves emerge before transitioning to a green, then bright orange appears in the fall, bringing with them cherry-sized red fruit.
Mature trees are 15 to 20 feet, with a mature spread of only six to eight feet wide, making them perfect for small landscapes. Check availability.
Brandywine Crabapple
Brandywine Crabapple trees start in spring with pretty rose-red buds that open to fragrant, pink rose-like flowers. It grows up to 15 to 20 feet tall and wide.
They require only minimal pruning in late winter and are relatively low-maintenance and disease resistant. However, they are toxic to cats, dogs, and horses.
Chestnut Crabapple
Chestnut Crabapples taste sweeter than most crabapple varieties. The fruit is yellow-red and tastes like a mixture of honey, pear, orange, and vanilla. The trees grow up to 25 feet and 15 feet wide. Check Availability.
Golden Raindrops Crabapple
The Golden Raindrops Crabapple tree variety looks amazing on landscapes all year round. Its small white flower clusters in mid-spring, attractive green summer foliage, and golden yellow fruit in the fall. The yellow fruit accents the tree, attracting varieties of birds.
This tree is great for lawns and bordering streets, reaching 20 feet high at maturity and 15 feet wide.
Tina Crabapple
Often listed by its full name, Teeny Tina Sargent Crabapple, the Tina Crabapple is perfect for small gardens, only reaching five to six feet in height and width at maturity. The dwarf tree is also great for containers, patios, and balconies.
White flowers pop out in spring, followed by green foliage and yellow fall leaves. Butterflies and bees appreciate the blooms, while songbirds enjoy the bright red fruit. Check availability.
Callaway Crabapple
The pink-budded Callaway Crabapple tree variety blooms white flowers in the spring, followed by large one ¼” fruit yellow-fleshed fruit. The fruit is tart and great for eating fresh or making jelly. Mature disease-resistant trees grow 15 to 20 feet tall and wide.
Indian Summer Crabapple
Known for its broad and round shape, the Indian Summer Crabapple tree variety produces deep red flowers in the spring. Fall brings red fruit and orange-red leaves. The tree reaches 15 to 20 feet at maturity and is a good accent tree planted in small groups.
Siberian Crabapple
The Siberian Crabapple tree bears small red fruit only ⅜ inch in diameter each fall, but grows larger than most crabapple trees—reaching 25 to 50 feet! This crabapple flowers in the spring with white blooms.
Its fruit is a favorite of wildlife, especially pheasants and woodpeckers. You can count on birds and deer to take care of any fallen fruit.
Prairie Crabapple
The Prairie Crabapple tree variety is sometimes called the Western or Iowa Crabapple. This tree grows around 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide at maturity.
Dark pink to red blossoms bloom in the spring, and all-year beauty unfolds with dark green leaves with purple veins in the summer and bronze leaves in the fall. Wildlife also enjoys its fruit in autumn.
Red Splendor Crabapple
The semi-weeping Red Splendor Crabapple tree variety is considered an alternator, meaning they bear fruit every other year. The tiny fruit is only ⅗ to ½ of an inch in diameter.
Flowers bloom in the spring, first a rose-red color, then open to pink. The leaves turn a beautiful reddish-purple in the fall. These trees will reach 20-30 feet in height and a broad range of 10-30 feet in width.
Marilee Crabapple
Covered in dark pink buds, which open to semi-double white flowers in the spring, the Marilee Crabapple tree variety is a gorgeous addition to home landscapes. This tree is extra attractive because its upright narrow form becomes more pronounced over time.
Perfect for courtyards, urban landscapes, and under powerlines. The mature plant size is 20-25 feet tall and 8-10 feet wide. Check availability.
Cinderella Crabapple
The Cinderella Crabapple is the smallest crabapple tree variety, only reaching eight feet in height and five feet in width at full maturity. Golden ¼ inch fruit emerges that lasts into late fall and is quite messy when it falls.
Cinderella trees are low-maintenance and require no pruning to maintain their shape. Spring brings clusters of red buds that bloom into sweet-scented snow-white flowers. Great for containers and sprucing up your patio.
Indian Magic Crabapple
The Indian Magic Crabapple tree is known for its glossy, magical red fruit that changes to golden orange and lasts until spring, if not devoured by hungry wildlife. A popular specimen plant in city gardens and cottages, it’s enjoyed most in mid-spring for its fragrant pink flowers on display.
This flower grows up to 15 to 20 feet tall and only four to six feet wide. Minimal pruning is needed to encourage growth. Check Availability.
Starlite Crabapple
Birds and bees can’t get enough of the Starlite Crabapple, best known for its fragrant white flowers, which blossom from red buds before the green leaves of summer appear.
Leaves turn yellow in the fall, along with the emergence of bright red fruit that sticks around through winter, assuming your songbirds don’t steal them. The tree will grow 18 to 20 feet at maturity and spread 15 to 18 feet. Check availability.
Radiant Crabapple
The Radiant Crabapple Tree is truly radiant, particularly in the springtime when reddish-pink flowers emerge from red buds. Bright red crabapples appear from fall well into winter, assuming the birds don’t eat them all. Wildlife finds this tree radiant and attractive!
Mature trees will reach 15 to 30 feet in height and spread—an overall low-maintenance tree, requiring pruning as needed in the winter. Avoid spring pruning because fire blight bacteria can enter fresh cuts. Check availability.
Velvet Pillar Crabapple
The Velvet Pillar Crabapple tree variety is an incredible accent to landscapes with its ornamental pink flowers in the spring, purple summer foliage, and crimson fall fruit. Mature trees reach 20 feet tall and have a spread of 12 feet. Prune in late winter after the threat of frost has passed.
Thunderchild Crabapple
The Thunderchild Crabapple tree variety is known for its abundance of fragrant pink flowers, arriving in spring before green leaves. Teeny tiny fruit emerges in the fall, only ⅖ of an inch in diameter. The tree grows up to 15-20 feet tall at maturity with a 10-15 feet spread.
Centurion Crabapple
The Centurion Crabapple tree variety is simple to grow in all gardening conditions. Showcasing its flowery beauty in May with large blooms of rosy-red flowers, then cherry-sized crabapples emerge in winter. Its branches are sturdy and rarely break in the winter.
European Crabapple
The European Crabapple tree variety is a thorny wild tree found most commonly in forests rather than home landscapes. It can grow on its own or in a small group near the forest’s edge. This variety is commonly found along roadsides near wooded areas and is most often found across Europe.
European Crabapple trees grow up to 33 feet high, blossom white and pink flowers in the spring, and produce a very hard fruit that should be cooked before eating.
Red Jade Crabapple
The Red Jade Crabapple is a weeping, fast-growing tree. It’s best planted on its own, grown as an accent, at a patio’s edge, as a feature in a garden, or as a roadside planting.
It attracts an array of birds, bees, and other wildlife. White blossoms show in the spring, followed by red fruit. Leaves turn a stunning bronze-red in the fall.
Camelot Crabapple
The Camelot Crabapple dwarf tree grows ten feet tall by eight feet wide at most. The tree is known for its round form, spring white blooms, and edible red fruit. Thick leathery, three-inch green leaves emerge in the summer.
Centennial Crabapple
The Centennial Crabapple tree variety shows off snowy white flowers in spring and can be purchased in either semi-Dwarf or standard size. This tree is a great pollinator for other trees!
The standard Centennial reaches 20 to 25 feet in height, and the semi-dwarf only reaches eight to twelve feet. The Centennial Crabapple is a great producer of fruit! Check Availability.
Sweet Crabapple
The Sweet Crabapple tree variety is often found in the mountains. It grows 15 to 30 feet tall and has a wide open crown. Springtime covers it with aromatic pink flowers. Contrary to their name, small bitter—tasting fruits come later and are best for use in ciders.
Pink Spires Crabapple
Phenomenal pink flowers with lavender overtones can be found along the branches of the Pink Spires Crabapple tree variety in springtime. It grows to 20 feet at maturity with 12 feet spread.
Copper with bronze-tipped dark green leaves that turn yellow in the fall makes this a highly ornamental tree. Check availability.
Cardinal Crabapple
The Cardinal Crabapple is a hybrid crabapple tree variety with Strawberry Parfait and Crimson Cloud as its parents. This tree typically grows 15 to 18 feet and has a spread that can reach 20 feet wide. It’s compact and disease resistant.
Royalty Crabapple
The Royalty Crabapple is known for adding gorgeous purples to your landscape all year round. Purple leaves arrive in spring along with crimson flowers, and the colors never fade. Summer brings a green undertone, but the purple is still present.
Even in winter, these trees remain colorful with purple-red berries. A mature tree grows only 10 to 15 feet in height and spread. The Royal Crabapple is the perfect addition to any landscape. Check availability.
Evereste Crabapple
The Evereste Crabapple is an ornamental tree developed by the National Research Institute for Agriculture (INRA) in 1974. Long-lasting, fragrant flowers arrive in the spring, followed by edible red fruit in summer and fall.
It comes in two sizes: mini-dwarf and semi-dwarf. The mini-dwarf reaches five feet in height and the semi-dwarf reaches ten feet in height. The Evereste Crabapple is a great choice for small gardens!
Now You Know 45 Crabapple Tree Varieties!
Hopefully, you’ve found your favorite crabapple tree variety to add to your home landscaping! Learn more about crabapple varieties and how to care for them on our Crabapple Tree page.
- About the Author
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Nicole Kinkade considers herself blessed to have grown up with fresh garden vegetables and fruit readily available. Both sets of grandparents were avid gardeners, and she spent many hours helping them collect the fruits of their labor.
She is passionate about healthy living and loves learning and sharing about nutrition facts. She is also always experimenting in the kitchen and finds joy in writing about what she’s been cooking.
With a Bachelor’s in Business Administration and an Associate’s in Media Communication, she is a passionate writer who loves sharing her knowledge online.
Nicole can be reached at nicolek.author@gmail.com