The Profusion Crabapple tree is known for its vibrant colored flowers that change with the seasons and large harvests of fruits that can be used in a multitude of recipes.
Whether planted in your yard or used as an ingredient in your favorite fruit-forward recipes, this tree is sure to leave you feeling anything but crabby (contrary to its name).
Keep reading to learn all about this unique tree, including ways to enjoy it and tips on how you can grow it at home.
Simply looking to buy a Profusion Crabapple tree? Check availability!

Characteristics of the Profusion Crabapple Tree
What it Looks Like
The Profusion Crabapple tree appears with many branches that stem from a single trunk. These branches are covered with an abundance of green leaves, flowers, and berry-sized fruits.
This tree differs from other fruit-bearing trees, as it produces flowers year-round that change colors with the seasons. The spring bloom is most well-known for this variety. This season produces red buds that first bloom as violet-red flowers and eventually soften to a vibrant-hot pink.
During the summer months, the bright red/pink shades turn a warm reddish-bronze. The flowers make a final transition to a golden color for the fall before they die for the winter.
During the winter, the bare branches of the Profusion sweep downwards, creating a romantic feel that gives the tree year-round landscape appeal.
Size of the Tree
This tree ranges in height from 15 to 30 feet tall when mature. Its trunk averages in width from 15 to 25 feet, making it the focal point of almost any yard.
What Its Fruit Tastes Like
This tree has “profusion” in the name for a reason: the fruit yield is profuse!
Despite their name, these small fruits aren’t sweet like your standard apple. When raw, the Profusion Crabapple is too tart to eat. However, when cooked they’re the perfect sweet and tangy ingredient for jams, jellies, and more.
Health Benefits
Despite their lack of sweetness and raw not-so-lovable taste, crabapples actually have a range of health benefits.
Crabapples are a great source of vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system and fight off infections and diseases. They also provide a significant amount of vitamin A to support visual and reproductive health.
Crabapples also have traces of other nutrients, such as iron, calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium. This fruit also has a high level of antioxidant activity that helps the body rid itself of harmful free radicals.
Ways to Enjoy
Enjoying the Fruit
Because of their high levels of acidity and natural pectin content, crabapples are an ideal ingredient for making homemade jelly. Try using your Profusion Crabapples to make this Crabapple Jelly. With the addition of sugars the tanginess of the fruit is balanced out perfectly to create a delicious spread.
Another unique way you can use Profusion Crabapples is by making them into a Crabapple Wine. Because of their acidity and high level of astringency from tannins, crabapples produce a palatable dry white wine.
Using its Flowers
Many people overlook the crabapple flowers, assuming their only use is ornamental. However, Profusion Crabapples flowers can be used to make a floral-tasting Crabapple Blossom Simple Syrup. If you’re a fan of rose, lavender, or other blossom flavors, this recipe is definitely a must-try.
Use it for cocktails, mocktails, and even pastries. Make sure to save some of the petals for garnish!
Where to Buy a Tree
Have we sold you on the idea of adding a crabapple tree to your garden landscape? If so, we can help point you in the right direction!
To get started on growing your own, we recommend buying the Profusion Crabapple Tree from one of our favorite garden plant retailers, Nature Hills.
Order yours in time for spring planting!
Growing Your Own Profusion Crabapple Tree
If you’re new to gardening, growing a fruit tree may intimidate you. But not to worry, a crabapple tree is easy to plant and perfect for beginner gardeners!
In this section, we’ll cover the basics to get you started with planting and growing a healthy crabapple tree.
Ideally, this tree should be planted throughout the spring and fall months. However, if you live in a climate that doesn’t experience extreme temperatures, you can plant it almost any time of the year.
Crabapple trees are pretty low maintenance, but they do require planting in well-drained soil. The soil should be rich and have a slightly acidic pH. They also do well with natural mulch, which helps to keep the roots cool and hydrated, especially during a hot summer.
The mulch should be three to four inches deep and spread to three feet outside the tree canopy.
Plant your Profusion Crabapple tree in full sun and make sure it has access to plenty of early morning light.
Care Tips
This variety is disease resistant but should still be planted in a well-ventilated environment.
Profusion Crabapples don’t require much pruning, although this can be done to balance out the tree as it grows. They should not be pruned once they’ve started flowering in the spring, but it is okay to do once the blooms have fully faded in the summer.
The ideal time to prune your tree is in late winter.
These fruits hang tightly onto the tree, with very few dropping to the ground. You can pick these berry-sized crabapples by hand or use fruit-picking poles to harvest.
Another easy way to harvest is by shaking the branches and letting the fruits fall to a tarp or basket below. Don’t fret if some fall to the ground — their hard exterior prevents them from bruising easily.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is this fruit called a crabapple?
These trees have irregular shapes and an affinity for creating gnarled and twisted spiny twigs. This is often known as a “crabbed” (a.k.a. spiny) appearance, likely contributing to its name.
Will having this tree attract animals to my yard?
A bonus feature of this gorgeous tree is that it will attract welcome visitors to your garden
During the winter months, crabapples are a great source of food for a variety of birds. If this tree is in your yard, you may have the opportunity to see robins, cardinals, and other songbirds!
In the spring, crabapple trees also may be used for nesting by breeding birds.
From spring through fall, various butterfly species are also attracted to the fragrant scents and bright colors of the seasonal blooms.
Can crabapples be toxic?
Although enjoyed by humans, crabapples can be harmful to certain animals if ingested.
If you have pets at home, especially dogs, make sure they keep a safe distance from your Profusion Crabapple tree/fruits.
Although small, the fruits from this tree contain levels of amygdalin that become metabolized into cyanide when eaten. Cyanide is a dangerous poison that may cause vomiting, diarrhea, or even cardiovascular issues for your dog.
Wrapping up the Profusion Crabapple Tree
The Profusion Crabapple tree offers a range of uses, benefits, and ever-changing beauty. Whether you’ve been looking to plant the next focal point for your yard or grow a new ingredient to use in the kitchen, make sure not to overlook this tree.
To learn more about crabapples and explore the wide variety of these fruits, take a look at our Crabapple Trees page!