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The September Wonder Apple

Waiting for a bumper crop of apples to ripen for harvesting can be tiresome, but it’s necessary for the best taste. What if you planted an apple tree that produces an earlier harvest than other varieties?

The September Wonder Apple is the apple for you if you can’t wait to enjoy fresh, home-grown apples! Keep reading to learn about this early-to-ripen wonder!

Looking to buy a September Wonder Apple tree? Check availability.

lot of red apples on a market similar to the september wonder apple

Characteristics of the September Wonder Apple


There are two sizes of this high-yielding apple tree: semi-dwarf and dwarf.

The semi-dwarf tree has green foliage, is 12–15 feet tall and wide, and takes 4–5 years to bear fruit. The dwarf tree also has green foliage but grows 8–10 feet tall and wide and takes 3–4 years to bear fruit.

Because the tree isn’t self-pollinating, you’ll need to plant another apple variety within 100 feet of it for cross-pollination.


The apple is round and medium-sized with pinkish-red skin, a dull yellow bottom, and creamy white flesh. It ripens and is ready for harvest in mid to late September.

One bite gives you a sweet, crisp, and juicy taste. You’ll also notice hints of honey and citrus flavors as you eat this low-acid fruit.

September Wonder vs. Fuji

The September Wonder Apple is very similar to the Fuji Apple, but the two have a few differences.

While the Fuji ripens between mid-October and November, the September Wonder ripens in September. Fuji Apples also don’t have the rough and dark blotches September Wonders have on their skins.

Both apples have a similar flavor, but the September Wonder has a slightly tart flavor.

History of the September Wonder Apple

Another name for this apple is the Jubilee Fuji. It originated in the USA as a mutant strain of the Early Fuji Apple (not the generic Fuji). In the 1990s, Ralph Broetje discovered this strain in his orchard in Prescott, WA, but it wasn’t patented until 2000.

Today the September Wonder is a popular apple variety because growers can harvest it without worrying about the cold spoiling it. It’s also being planted in warmer regions like California and Australia for its early harvest timing.

Where to Buy the Apple Tree

cider apple trees

How about trying your hand at growing a September Wonder Apple tree? Stark Bro’s sells apple trees in dwarf and semi-dwarf sizes if you’d like to plant a tree or two.

Growing and Caring for Your September Wonder Apple Tree

Growing Conditions

This cold-hardy apple tree grows well in hardiness zones 4–8 in full sunlight and partial shade. You can plant the tree in loamy soil with a 6.0–7.0 pH as long as it’s well-draining.

Spacing and Staking

Spacing your September Wonder Apple will depend on the size. If you’re planting a semi-dwarf tree, space it 12–15 feet away if you’re planting more than one tree. For a dwarf tree, space it 8–10 feet away from other trees.

Of the two trees, the dwarf requires permanent staking. As for the semi-dwarf only needs staking for its first 4–5 years before it can stand on its own.

Apple Tree Care

Like other apple trees, give your September Wonder Apple about 2 inches of water weekly to moisten the soil. You could also spread mulch around the tree’s base to conserve moisture.

Prune the tree of any vertical, broken, diseased, or crossing branches when the tree is dormant.

To boost nutrients and productivity, apply a balanced fertilizer when the tree leaves its dormancy.

Health Benefits of September Wonder Apples

cost of apple trees

Like any apple, the September Wonder Apple offers certain health benefits as part of your diet.

It contains vitamin B, maintaining red blood cells and strengthening your nervous system. Other nutrients include calcium and potassium; the former strengthens your bones and builds your muscles.

The skin and flesh are great sources of fiber, contributing to weight loss and better acid reflux control.

Ways to Enjoy September Wonder Apples

Plated wedge of apple raisin pie.

As with many apples, this cultivar is great for fresh eating, whether whole or sliced! And what better apple to make apple juice than this sweet and crisp wonder?

If you want a deeper sweetness, bake the September Wonder Apple in recipes like the following:

To add more crunch to the apple, bake or dehydrate it into apple chips. You can also make apple butter to complement the chips or your breakfast toast!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do September Wonder Apples store well?

Yes, these apples will store well if they’re gently placed in a humid environment between 30 and 36 degrees Fahrenheit.

The September Wonder’s storage qualities are similar to that of the Gala Apple. It lasts between three to five months at 32 degrees Fahrenheit in a refrigerator or another air storage space.

Can you plant any apple variety to pollinate a September Wonder Apple?

Just because another apple variety is needed to pollinate this cultivar doesn’t mean you can plant whatever apple variety you select.

An apple tree closely related to the September Wonder or has a non-overlapping bloom period results in poor pollination. Grow varieties like the Granny Smith or Lodi Apple with the September Wonder for the best pollination.

Is this apple variety disease resistant?

There’s insufficient information to declare the September Wonder Apple variety disease resistant. However, like the Early Fujis, it has an average susceptibility to scab and a low susceptibility to powdery mildew and fireblight.

Fortunately, each disease is manageable by keeping to a pruning (branches and fruit) and spraying schedule as needed. Above all, keep providing the tree with its necessities to keep it healthy.

The Wonderful September Wonder Apple

If you desire an apple that doesn’t have you waiting long to harvest, plant the September Wonder Apple. Who says you must wait six more weeks before you feast on sweet, crispy goodness?

Are you interested in learning more about apple cultivars with unique characteristics? Visit our Apple Trees page to see what varieties you’d like to have for your landscape.