The German Johnson tomato is an heirloom variety that comes in a lovely pinkish-orange shade. Weighing in at over one pound each, these meaty, flavorful tomatoes are some of the very best for making delicious sandwiches and for homemade juicing. With an average of 40 fruits per plant, you’ll be sure to have plenty to enjoy and even share!
If you love heirloom tomatoes, but haven’t had luck growing some of the fussier varieties, then keep reading about the German Johnson tomato. It may be just what your garden needs this summer.

History of the German Johnson Tomato
The German Johnson tomato’s origins are unknown, but they can be traced back to North Carolina. Thought to have come from a variety of Bavarian tomatoes further back, they are similar to Brandywine tomatoes.
Ripening Season
German Johnson tomatoes are mid- to late-season tomatoes, requiring about 78 days to produce fully ripened fruit.
Tomato qualities
These are very large, beefsteak-type heirloom tomatoes. They are a bit heartier and higher-producing than Brandywine tomatoes, and they have the signature acidity characteristic of heirloom tomatoes.
Tomato size
These tomatoes are quite large, weighing in at as much as 12-24 ounces by the time they are fully grown.
Planting Zones
German Johnson tomatoes can grow and thrive in zones 2-12, but can only survive winters in zones 10 and 11.
Size and Spacing
These plants grow as much as eight feet high and should be spaced at least three feet apart to prevent competition for soil nutrients and sunlight.
German Johnson tomatoes are open-pollinated plants. This means that their seeds are the result of naturally pollinated parent plants. Pollinators such as bees and birds are required in order for plants to successfully set fruit.
Plant Care
The following sections will provide highlights about tomato care. For a complete guide on optimal tomato plant care, from planting to harvesting and storage, please check out our article on How To Grow Tomatoes: The Complete Guide For the Best Tomatoes. You may also be interested in our blog post on how to grow big tomatoes!
These tomato plants require full sun. This means 6+ hours of sun per day.
Well-drained, nutrient-rich soil is required for these plants.
For German Johnson tomato plants, the soil should be kept moist regularly.
Tomatoes require specific nutrients (such as calcium) to produce their best crops of fruit. To learn how to determine what your tomatoes need and when they need it, consult our ultimate tomato fertilizer guide.
Pruning and pinching are a tomato care technique that can help your tomato put forth its best yield. But you need to know when to do this and what tomatoes need it. To help you with this, visit our pruning tomatoes guide.
Fusarium Wilt is the most problematic tomato disease for German Johnson tomatoes. This is a fungus that enters the plant through any wounds on the stem or in the roots and climbs up into the rest of the plant. It makes it difficult for the plant to take in sunlight like it should.
To learn how to detect, treat, and take steps to prevent diseases, read our tomato diseases guide.
Tomato Horn Worms
These bizarre-looking green or blue caterpillars with a reddish, horn-like tail are the larvae of a kind of moth and are one of the greatest enemies of tomato growers. They grow unbelievably fast and go through an unfathomable amount of leaves, stems, and tomatoes to get there. A clutch (group of eggs) of them can destroy a whole tomato plant in just a few days.
It’s best to get rid of these guys if you find them hanging around.
Slimy and worm-like, these bugs love tomato plants. They don’t grow as fast as tomato horn worms, but they are still a formidable force when it come to raising tomatoes.
Pill Bugs
Also called rolly-pollies, these little, grey bugs enjoy nibbling on tomato plants and fruit and should be removed when found.
Aphids can usually be found on the underside of tomato leaves. They are very small, whitish bugs that multiply quickly and can take out a plant virtually overnight. If you find eaten leaves and stems and can’t seem to find what’s eating them, look on the underside of nearby leaves for the presence of aphids.
These bugs can be difficult to get rid of, but are a favorite food of ladybugs. You could consider purchasing ladybugs from a grower and releasing them around your tomato plants to encourage them to snack on those troublesome aphids.
Mice and rats are usually worse pests indoors, but they can come after your tomato plants. Especially the nearer they are planted to your home, a garden shed, or another structure that they may be taking up residence in.
Setting mouse traps or rat traps will help with these pests. There are live traps that will not harm the animal if you would rather catch it and release it somewhere else than kill it. Be sure to use something like peanut butter though, rather than cheese, as rodents tend to pick up on that aroma and be tempted by it more readily.
For information to help you spot, eliminate, and deter 15 different pests, visit our guide on common tomato pests.
When to Harvest German Johnson Tomatoes
It takes about 78 days from the time the plant is transplanted into the garden to the time that the first fruits are ripe. This tomato plant variety will continue to produce more and more tomatoes throughout the year until cold weather hits.
Common Uses For German Johnson Tomatoes
What Does This Tomato Taste Like?
The German Johnson tomato is creamy, juicy, and pleasantly tangy.
These giant tomatoes — regularly exceeding 1lb in weight — are an excellent sandwich tomato. They also mix wonderfully into sauces and salsas, and are a tasty addition to diced veggie salads.
Eating raw
It is perfectly safe to eat these tomatoes raw. Many people would tell you that’s the best way.
Canning / Freezing / Drying
While the flavor tends to be the best fresh at room temperature, all of these methods work well to preserve German Johnson tomatoes.
Recipe Ideas
Spicy Peach Salsa
Heirloom Tomato Salad with Rosemary
Health Benefits of German Johnson Tomatoes
German Johnson tomatoes are rich in vitamin C. They also contain a lot of potassium, which can lower blood pressure and may decrease the risk of having a heart attack. And they only contain about 27 calories per cup, which makes them an excellent addition to a meal or a delightful low-calorie snack on their own!
Where to Buy German Johnson Tomato Plants or Seeds
To buy German Johnson tomato plants, you’ll need to check your local farmer’s markets or garden stores. Seeds may be found locally or can be ordered from online retailers.
Where to Buy German Johnson Tomatoes
German Johnson tomatoes can sometimes be found in grocery stores. But the best place to look for them, especially if you’re looking for organically grown specimens, would be your local farmer’s market.
Wrapping Up the German Johnson Tomato
This enormous and scrumptious heirloom tomato remains one of the most delightful choices for sandwich tomatoes, and it makes an excellent addition to many cooking recipes as well. Since, with proper pruning of the plants, German Johnson tomatoes can reach weights of one pound or more, they are certainly some of the biggest around. Their massive size makes growing them an especially enjoyable and rewarding process for fans of tasty heirloom tomatoes.
If you have a tip about growing German Johnson tomatoes or a favorite recipe for enjoying German Johnsons, leave it in the comments section below! Excited for more tomato content? Then visit our tomato page for growing tips, comprehensive guides, and tasty recipes!
- About the Author
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Savannah Mason lives on a farm in the Midwest surrounded by fields, gardens, and—her personal favorite—pumpkin patches.
With her degree in veterinary technology, the neighboring goats, pigs, chickens, and miniature horse are her favorite part of living on a farm.
When she’s not writing about the great outdoors online, she fills her fantasy novels with trees, wild creatures, and a little bit of magic.
Savannah can be reached at