If you aren’t familiar with the story of Thumbelina, let me share it with you: Thumbelina is the story of a girl so named because she is only as tall as a thumb. So of course this is the perfect name for this dwarf variety of zinnia flowers!

Thumbelina zinnias are compact versions of their larger cousins, but they’re no less beautiful despite their lesser size. Let’s dive into everything you need to know about Thumbelina zinnias!
Characteristics of the Thumbelina Zinnia
As I mentioned, the Thumbelina zinnia is a dwarf variety of this popular flower; they only grow about a foot tall, maximum.
Their blooms are dainty as buttons and just as round; they come in multiple colors, including red, pink, orange, purple, and others.
They’re just the right version of colorful without leaning into gaudy territory, which makes them perfect for increasing your curb appeal or gracing your table in a bouquet arrangement.
No matter where you decide to display these delightful little flowers, they’re sure to liven up any space and brighten your day with just one look.
Fun fact: these darling blooms are not only beautiful to look at, but they’re edible, as well! Though they don’t pack a lot of punch in terms of flavor, this actually makes them the perfect edible decoration to throw on any dish, dessert, or other culinary endeavors.
If you’re planning a garden party anytime soon, you can use Thumbelina zinnia petals to add a dash of color to your salads, or even to garnish your cocktails alongside some herbs. They’re sure to add a little springtime flair to any occasion. Just remember to avoid the flower’s center—while the petals hold little in terms of taste, the center of the flower is said to be bitter in flavor and unpleasant to eat.
Thumbelina Zinnia FAQ
Where can you buy this flower?
While you might not often spot this flower on the shelves of bouquets waiting in most grocery stores, their seeds are actually pretty simple to track down! You can take a look at your local garden center, home improvement store, or any other place you like to buy your seeds to try and track down the Thumbelina zinnia. Just make sure to pick up some soil and other seed-starting supplies at the same time!
Can you grow it at home?
You can absolutely grow Thumbelina zinnias at home! You can start them outside immediately if you like, but you’ll want to err on the side of caution; don’t put them in the ground any earlier than two weeks after the final frost in your area. They’re highly sensitive to cold and aren’t likely to thrive if you plant them too early.
Similarly, even if you’re starting your seeds indoors, you’ll want to wait for favorable weather before starting your seeds. Planting too early will cause you to run the risk of needing to transplant them into the ground before the final frost has come and gone. Plus, these flowers require full sun to thrive, so planting before spring has well and truly sprung is setting yourself up for some disappointing results.
Why would you want to grow it at home?
Not only are these flowers singularly beautiful, but they’re also brilliant garden flowers. While they don’t stand up well to the cold, they thrive beautifully even in the harshest summers, so long as you remember to water them properly! They love the sunlight and are great flowers for cutting when the season comes to a close. Just remember to deadhead any wilted blooms as they appear to keep your flowers blooming all season long, and if you want to catch them before they well and truly die off, make sure you cut your bouquets before the first frost of the fall hits your area.
If you live in an area with a healthy deer population, I’m sure you deal with plenty of concerns surrounding whether or not your garden is going to get nibbled on from time to time. With the Thumbelina zinnia, those worries are a thing of the past! I’m happy to share that these flowers are deer-resistant, so by filling your garden up with them, you’re vastly cutting down your chances of having your garden disappear far earlier than you might have expected.
While these blooms are deer-resistant, there’s one type of creature they don’t resist, but rather attract: pollinators! If you’re looking to create a bee-friendly environment in your yard, look no further than the Thumbelina zinnia. They’re a great choice if you want to create a safe haven for bees and other pollinators.
Where should you plant it?
Like I said, these are heat-tolerant, sun-loving flowers, so shady spots are a no-go for your zinnia garden. You want to track down a spot in your garden that gets plenty of sunlight and very little shade. Be careful not to plant too close to trees or bushes; it can be easy to forget about them early in the season, but as the year goes on, these plants will get their leaves back and potentially shed shade where there wasn’t any before. Be mindful of surrounding plants and potential changes in the environment when choosing a spot for your zinnia flowers.
Where To Buy Thumbelina Zinnia Seeds
You can buy zinnia seeds in many of your local stores, but if you can’t track them down or simply don’t feel like making the trip, no worries! You can absolutely order these beautiful flowers online. While there are many seed providers out there that carry the Thumbelina zinnia, I recommend Hoss Tools or Botanical Interests, both of which have beautiful Thumbelina mixes available to you.
Wrapping Up the Thumbelina Zinnia
Now you know everything you need to know about these dainty, delightful little flowers. I can’t recommend this variety of zinnia flowers enough; they’re just so pretty, it’s hard to imagine anything that can beat them!
If you’re looking for more information about zinnia care, zinnia varieties, and other information about zinnias, head over to my zinnia page to find out everything you could possibly need to know about these colorful flowers!
- About the Author
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Cassidy Eubanks is a proud Michigander, an avid reader, a lover of colorful gardens, and a writer for Minneopa Orchards.
After earning her bachelor’s in Creative Writing (partially through virtual learning, thanks to the pandemic), gardening gave her an excuse to get outside and get away from all the screens. With a particular love for decorating with colorful flowers, using herbs grown in her own garden, and finding creative ways to build big gardens in small spaces, Cassidy enjoys helping others learn about growing their own food, flowers, and trees through Minneopa Orchards!