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The Many Uses For Frozen Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranates are a fruit that’s both diverse and versatile. Fans will eat these rich, red beauties raw, cooked, or juiced enjoying both the vibrant color and sweet, tart flavors. Pomegranates provide an accent or can be the star of any food show and the raw fruits can store for an extended time as well. Yet even this lengthy lifetime isn’t always enough, leading fruit fans to ask the question — can you (and should you) freeze pomegranate seeds?

Pomegranate seeds frozen in ice.  There are many creative uses for frozen pomegranate seeds that will up your game in the kitchen.

The answer is yes. Frozen pomegranate seeds provide another dimension to this already versatile superfruit and here is how you can enjoy them. Learn about the many uses for frozen pomegranate seeds and how to freeze your own seeds (or purchase a pack at the store already frozen). Break out these frozen pomegranate seeds for snacking or combine these vivid red arils into one of these wonderful dishes below. 

Frozen pomegranate seeds are the staple you never knew you needed in your kitchen, but now you won’t be able to manage without them.

How To Make DIY Frozen Pomegranate Seeds

If you have pomegranates at home, you can try freezing the seeds for yourself. First, you’ll need to cut your pomegranate and remove the seeds. Click here for our blog article on how to easily remove the arils from pomegranates.

Next, you’ll need to grab a cloth or paper towel spread out the seeds you have removed from the fruit, and then cover with another dry layer. The idea is to remove excess water from the pomegranate seeds without adding lint or fuzz in the process.

Next, you’ll need to grab a baking sheet. Spread the pomegranate seeds out in a single layer and then place into the freezer for at least 20 minutes. While it’s okay to freeze longer, you don’t want to wait a few days as uncovered freezer items can take on unpleasant flavors. 

Remove the baking sheet from the freezer and scrape the frozen seeds into zipper-sealed bags. Squeeze all the air out of the bags, flatten, label, and date. (Or you could eat these treats right now.)

Frozen Pomegranate Seeds as Snacks

A bowl of frozen pomegranate seeds.

Frozen pomegranate seeds make fabulous snacks. You might choose to eat these like tiny frozen ice cream bites, a healthy alternative to a sugary treat. These tasty morsels qualify as gluten-free, fat-free, sodium-free, and vegan — basically, they’ll fit any diet.

In addition to being a healthy and simple snack, you may be surprised to note they even taste slightly creamy like this too.

Thaw Frozen Pomegranate Seed as Needed

Pomegranate seeds can be used for so many dishes. Some people enjoy them plain while others prefer to use them as ingredients in bigger recipes.

Frozen pomegranate seeds need no accompaniment, but freezing provides an excellent way to have a flavor booster or garnish on-demand. Seeding a pomegranate to eat the whole fruit feels simple but, depending on the recipe, you may only need a tablespoon or two of the colorful arils due to the powerful flavor of this fruit.

A salad of spinach, apples, nuts, and pomegranate seeds  Salad ingredients are just one of many uses for frozen pomegranate seeds.

Freezing seeds allows you to season your dishes as needed. You may try adding a sprinkling of seeds to a savor dish as garnish paired with mint or basil. The frozen seeds will help maintain shape and consistency on a hot dish.

For fruit recipes such as a smoothie having a smaller serving available can help meld and combine delicious fruits so you can create your own brand of fruit punch. By not being limited to wastefulness or over-flavoring, frozen pomegranate seeds are a cook’s secret weapon.

They’re Frozen, So Now What? Some Uses for Frozen Pomegranate Seeds.

Now that you’ve got frozen pomegranate seeds, you may wonder what to do with them. Following are some uses for frozen pomegranate seeds for you to enjoy.

Frozen Pomegranate Seed Cocktails

Delish describes these delicious pomegranate seed daiquiris. The best part about frozen fruity drinks is that you can go alcoholic or non — whatever works for you and your celebration. These daiquiris are made with pomegranate juice, plain or raspberry-flavored rum (spiced could work but might be to flavorful), cassis or cranberry liqueur, and ice. 

Combine all ingredients except the ice cubes and place in the refrigerator to chill thoroughly. When it’s time to enjoy, pour the chilled mixture into a blender and mix. Pour the blender mix into your favorite chilled cocktail glass for a great presentation.

Now comes the fun part — garnish it all with frozen fruit. The recipe creators recommend a frozen mix of grapes, kiwi slices, and (you guessed it) frozen pomegranate seeds.

Frozen Pomegranate Seed Sorbet

A bowl of pomegranate sorbet.

One of the more fun uses for frozen pomegranate seeds is pomegranate sorbet. The sweet and tart alternative to dairy ice cream, this delicious option will wow your tasters. All you need is sugar, water, and the juice from those pomegranate seeds.

Sorbet requires a little pectin or fiber to get the right consistency, so if you are using a pre-made juice that eliminates all parts of the seed, you’ll also need to add some store-bought pectin to make this recipe turn out correctly.

Bring all the ingredients to a boil, stir, cool, freeze, and that’s it. Enjoy with your favorite pie or eat it as a standalone dessert — your choice.

Frozen Pomegranate Seed Smoothie

Overhead view of a glass of pomegranate smoothie -- just one of the many uses for frozen pomegranate seeds.
Smoothies are one of the quickest, easiest, and most versatile uses for frozen pomegranate seeds.

You’ll find multiple recipes that can incorporate frozen pomegranate seeds into a smoothie. Valued for taste, color, and health benefits too — smoothie lovers have gone “pomegranate crazy”. Portable, pretty, and just oh so fun, smoothies are one of the simplest ways to enjoy frozen fruit whether at home or on the go.

Try Jessica Gavin’s take on this frosty beverage using pears, bananas, pomegranate seeds (also called arils). Add ginger for digestion and spice and more pomegranate juice.

Another idea is to follow the lead of A Couple Cooks who have a super simple recipe. Grab those pomegranate seeds and add frozen pineapple, banana, Greek yogurt, and maple syrup.  If you are out of maple syrup, you can also try substituting honey or molasses to mirror the same sweetness and consistency.

If you’d like to add veggies, Simple Green Smoothies reminds us the red cabbage is pretty similar in color to frozen pomegranate seeds. Combine chopped red cabbage, water, frozen pomegranate seeds, raspberries, strawberries, and cherries. If you need a little more boost, drop in some protein powder as well.

Frozen pomegranate seeds make great smoothie staples, and the “sky is the limit” on the variations you can try.

Frozen Pomegranate Seed Yogurt Bites

If you can’t decide between a smoothie and sorbet, this recipe from May I Have that Recipe hits all the notes in one. These frozen treats are displayed as bite-size white squares with that signature red-pop of a pomegranate seed inside, having a slight natural polka dot pattern. Again using only three simple ingredients, this twist offers another alternative dessert for health lovers.

  • Combine frozen pomegranate seeds and Greek yogurt in a bowl.
  • Stir the mix until creamy.
  • Add the powdered sugar and mix again.
  • Pour into ice cube trays to set. 

Next up is the really difficult part — you’ll have to decide whether to eat them all now, or repackage and store these treats for later. Just remember not to leave them uncovered in the freezer. 

Frozen Pomegranate Seed Souffles

This idea is for those with advanced baking skills. The recipe from Food and Wine calls for pomegranate juice in the souffle itself and also pomegranate seed topping. To be fair, they don’t specify frozen seeds, but in a frozen souffle, this is clearly the right call. First the souffle. 

  • You’ll need souffle ramekins wrapped in wax paper until just above the edges.
  • On the stove top, put a saucepan on low heat.
  • Combine sugar, egg yolks, pomegranate juice, and salt.
  • Stir and heat until everything reduces to a thicker curd.
  • Remove from heat and strain the curd.
  • Cover the curd in a bowl and cool for a few hours (refrigerator works).
  • Move to the mixer.
  • Combine the whipping cream and vanilla.
  • Whip to peaks and chill. 
  • Whip egg whites and sugar until peaked again.
  • Now it’s time to combine the three main components (the curd, cream, and meringue) by gently folding them all together.
  • Fill the ramekins and smooth the top.
  • Freeze for at least four hours.
  • Remove these items from the freezer and pull back the wax paper.
  • When it’s time to present, garnish generously with frozen pomegranate seeds and dust with powdered sugar.

This recipe is a show stopper, so take it out for special occasions. You’ll impress your guests both visually and with delicious taste too.


Closeup of pomegranate seeds frozen in ice.

Test out your own recipes using frozen pomegranate seeds and enjoy yourself. Many recipes that call for fresh pomegranate seeds can incorporate their frozen counterpart and some are even better than the original. Freeze the excess seeds if you have a snack that’s too big or buy a pomegranate to peel and keep in the freezer as needed.

Break out these delicious tiny dots when you need an eye-catching garnish. Pour on the frozen pomegranate seeds when you want to add a healthy kick to any meal or a powerful punch of flavor. Frozen pomegranate seeds offer the solutions you need to dress up your recipe whether simple or advanced, so try some now!

If you’ve got a favorite way to enjoy frozen pomegranate seeds, we’d love for you to share it in the comments section below!

Excited to learn more about this magical fruit? Then check out our pomegranate trees page for information on pomegranate planting, growing, harvesting, cooking, and more!

Getting started on your seed growing journey? Use my seed starting guide to find care guides, helpful tips, product suggestions, and more!