Are you noticing your lawn looking dull, diseased, and riddled with pests? Don’t give up on your grass just yet! You may be able to solve these issues and prevent them from worsening by dethatching your lawn.
But don’t head outside and do it right now. Learning when to dethatch your lawn and how to do it correctly is vital to the health of your grass.
Keep reading to learn about when to dethatch your lawn, along with the importance of doing it.

What Is Thatch?
Before you learn about when to dethatch your lawn, you may want to understand what thatch is. It’s essentially the layer of roots and organic matter that lies between the turf, or actively growing grass, and the soil. You’ll find a combination of both dead and living plant matter like roots, leaves, and stems.
While this might sound like a problem, some thatch is actually beneficial. But only in small amounts at about half an inch or less. Thin layers like these can help store water and nutrients in your lawn, which helps feed the growing grass. Think of it like a type of mulch but for your grass.
When the thatch layer of your lawn is too thick, that’s when it becomes a problem. It does the opposite of storing nutrients and blocks them from soaking in. This is when to dethatch your lawn.
What Is Dethatching?
As the year goes on, thatch will continue to build up. Between falling leaves from nearby trees, grass cuttings, and other organic matter, the layer will thicken. Dethatching is the vital method that removes the majority of the thatch layer.
You’ll typically use special thatching tools for this, whether they’re manual tools or attachments for your garden tractor. The tool will have long spikes, which you’ll drag through the grass. These spikes will work to pull up the organic plant matter and cut through tangled roots.
The Importance of Dethatching Your Lawn
Another thing to know before learning when to dethatch your lawn is the importance of dethatching. Again, a small layer of thatch is okay. But if you go years without dethatching, that small half-inch layer can grow to many inches. And the thicker the thatch layer gets, the more prone your lawn will be to diseases and pests.
Your grass becomes prone to these things because it gets weak due to a lack of nutrients and water. The untouched thatch layer essentially acts like an incubator for insects, larvae, and diseases. This is something you never want. It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to get rid of these things.
Possible Issues That May Arise When You Don’t Dethatch Your Lawn
Some diseases you may notice include leaf spots, summer patches, and melting-out diseases. Funguses often cause these diseases, which lead to brown and yellowing grass.
And some nasty pests you may see include all kinds of worms, crickets, aphids, beetles, grubs, and more. Thatch keeps the bugs warm and protected while giving them plenty of food to munch on.
Sometimes it’s hard to bring your lawn back from this kind of damage. So, don’t skip dethatching! Once you learn when to dethatch your lawn, you’ll be making your grass unfavorable for diseases and pests. You shouldn’t experience them once you dethatch and treat current infections and infestations.
When to Dethatch Your Lawn
Learning when to dethatch your lawn depends on what type of grass you have. There are 11,500 recognized species of grass in the world. But we only use a few for lawns, and they get separated into two categories: cold and warm-season grasses.
Southern and northern states generally have different grass types based on their dissimilar climates. Due to this, there are a few different dethatching times. You’ll need to know what type your grass is to determine when to dethatch your lawn.
Keep in mind that these dethatching times are while the grass is still growing. If you dethatch your grass while it’s dormant, you can damage it beyond repair. This means you’ll probably need to completely rip up your grass and start from scratch. So, only dethatch during the growing season.
Cold-Season Grasses
If you live in the northern part of the United States, you probably have a cold-season grass type. Cold-season grasses are typically called northern grasses due to their hardiness. They can survive harsh winters with snow, ice, and cold temperatures.
Some of these cold-season grasses include Kentucky Bluegrass, Ryegrass, Fescues, and Bentgrass. Late summer or early fall is when to dethatch your lawn if you have one of these grass types. Dethatching at this time will prepare your grass for winter and a new growing season in the springtime.
You can sometimes dethatch cold-season grasses in the springtime. But the grass usually hasn’t gotten into the growing mode yet. So, it’s typically better to wait until the end of the summer when the grass is at its healthiest.
Warm-Season Grasses
If you live in the southern part of the United States, you most likely have warm-season grass. These grass types cannot handle excessive cold, snow, or ice. Conditions like these will often cause the grass to die. But this grass can tolerate heat very well and will survive through droughts, which the south often experiences. They’re often called Southern grasses because they thrive in hot weather.
Some warm-season grasses included Bermuda grass, Zoysia grass, Augustine grass, Centipede grass, and more. Springtime and early summer are usually when to dethatch your lawn if you have warm-season grass. This is when these grasses are typically their healthiest or getting near their healthiest. They’ll quickly recover from dethatching in no time.
How to Dethatch Your Lawn: The Basics
With an idea of when to dethatch your lawn, it may help to know some dethatching basics. You’ll need specific tools, and there are some procedures you’ll want to follow before, during, and after dethatching.
Dethatching Tools
After you learn when to dethatch your lawn, your primary options are either a pushable dethatcher or a dethatcher tractor attachment. One isn’t necessarily better than the other. However, if you have a large lawn, you may want the attachment. It’ll be easier on your body, as you’ll get to sit while your garden tractor does the work.
Understandably, an attachment might not be affordable for everyone. So, the pushable dethatcher can do the job just as well. Most options are electric now though, so you’ll need to be mindful of when it needs charging.
Another tool you may need when dethatching your lawn is a garden rake. Dethatching will give your yard a dug-up look, as it’s literally ripping a layer out of your grass. But a simple rake will help get rid of the chunks that the dethatcher brings up.
Never leave the thatch chunks on your lawn! They won’t break down and may lead to problems like diseases, pests, and a generally unhealthy lawn.
Dethatching Your Lawn
After learning when to dethatch your lawn and selecting your tools, there are some preparations that you should make.
Always water your lawn the day before dethatching, as you want the soil moist but not soaking wet. You’ll also want to mow your lawn either the day before or the day of dethatching and flag sprinkler heads. There’s nothing worse than running over a sprinkler head and completely ruining it!
With these simple preparations, you can get started. Simply run the dethatcher of your choice over your lawn in rows until you finish the entire lawn. That’s it! Then you can clean up the thatch chunks afterward. It might be easier to rake them up and put them in a garden wagon. Then you can throw them out or dump them in the woods.
What Do You Do After Dethatching?
Once you clean up all the thatch you ripped up, it’s time to care for your grass. You can do this by watering and fertilizing it.
Remember that dethatching can put a lot of stress on your lawn. So, your grass will need to recover afterward. A simple grass fertilizer should do just the trick at giving your lawn the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Then you can turn your sprinklers on or manually water your grass to help it soak in.
Another thing you can do is add some grass seed to your lawn. More seed will fill in any patches you ripped up along with bare patches you already had. Your grass will be beautiful, lush, and green by the next growing season!
When to Dethatch Your Lawn Frequently Asked Questions
Should you cut your lawn after you dethatch it?
Typically, once you know when to dethatch your lawn, you should cut your grass before doing so. Doing this will ensure you don’t rip up too many grass blades.
Long grass can get tangled in the dethatcher and make a bigger mess of your lawn. Cutting your lawn after dethatching won’t really do anything. However, your lawn mower may be able to suck up the thatch chunks for you afterward.
Is raking the same as dethatching?
No, raking isn’t the same as dethatching. A plain rake usually isn’t strong enough to get to that thatch layer. So, it cannot help you dethatch your lawn. But, again, it can help you get the thatch chunks off your lawn afterward.
How do you know when to dethatch your lawn?
The most noticeable sign you’ll see when it’s time for dethatching is the height of the thatch layer. If it’s higher than ½ inch, then it’s time for dethatching. However, you can’t see the size of your thatch layer just by looking at your lawn. You’ll need to dig up a small piece of your lawn to see how large the dead, brown-looking grass is. That’s your thatch layer, which you can measure.
Wrapping Up When to Dethatch Your Lawn
Learning when to dethatch your lawn is vital for every homeowner. Dethatching is a process that can take some time, but your grass will be thankful. Removing that thick layer of organic plant matter will be better for your lawn in the long run.
It’ll allow your grass to soak up the nutrients and water it needs. And it’ll make an uninviting environment for pests and diseases. So, start preparing for your lawn’s dethatching season to keep it healthy for years to come!
Are you looking for more garden tools to help you with your yard work? Take a look at our garden tools section for more tool ideas!
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Ashley Masiello is a home gardener, outdoor lover, video editor, artist, general freelance writer, and a writer for Minnetonka Orchards. She has a bachelor’s degree in film/media and two minors in writing and art.
She loves to tend to her plants, participate in all kinds of outdoor projects, and looks forward to planting a beautiful garden every spring.
Ashley loves sharing her knowledge about planting and fun outdoor DIY projects!
Ashley can be reached at