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How To Plant A Peach Seed in 7 Easy Steps

Sun-ripened juiciness, sweet, fragrant, and succulent; eating a peach in the orchard, fresh from the tree, is summer’s gift to gardeners. Soft shades of yellow and red beckon you to draw near and savor every lip-smacking bite. Adding peach trees to your home orchard is a rewarding garden endeavor.

Learning how to plant a peach seed can be a fun and educational gardening adventure for the whole family. Though growing a peach tree from seed is a long-term commitment, it is well worth it!

Keep reading to learn all about how to plant a peach seed!

Learning how to plant a peach seed will yield peaches such as these.

How To Plant a Peach Seed and Grow a Peach Tree

1. Choosing a Plant Seed and Plant Heredity

Deciding to grow a peach tree in your home orchard is a surprisingly fun experiment in plant heredity and a satisfying gardening experience. It’s a feat that will take some perseverance and a little luck.

To start, you should select seeds from several different varieties of peaches to mitigate possible germination failure.

Most peaches in the supermarket are hybrid fruits, meaning they result from cross-breeding two other peach varieties. With hybrids, there’s no way to know what variety will emerge from planting their seed (which is within the peach pit), which parent or grandparent plant it will resemble, and if it will even bear fruit.

This is why I’m calling it an experiment in plant heredity!

Professional fruit growers use plant grafting to ensure their peaches are true to the peach variety they desire. By planting your own tree from seed, you can enjoy the thrill of victorious peachy discovery. With any luck, your peach pits will provide fresh, juicy peaches for many years.

2. Preparing Your Peach Seeds

Below are two different ways to prepare the seed inside your peaches and get your germination off to a great start. It is an essential part of learning how to plant a peach seed!

Carefully clean and dry your peach pit to give it the best possible chance of avoiding any mold or mildew. Scrub away any bits of fruit. A vegetable scrubber or toothbrush are good options for cleaning all the tiny bits away.

Dip the clean pit in a bleach solution of ten parts water to one part bleach. Then allow the pit to air dry at room temperature thoroughly. It can take a few days to dry completely.

You can also coat the seed pit with a fungicide to help deter mold growth for extra protection.

Alternatively, you can gently remove the peach seed from its outer protective layer (the pit) to encourage faster germination. With a nutcracker or a hammer, carefully crack away the rough outer coating, taking care not to damage the inner kernel.

Peach Seeds

3. Planting Peach Seeds

In the fall, you can plant the peach seed or pit directly into the ground. Plant your peach pit three to four inches deep in a nice organic soil mix. Cover with an inch or two of mulch to protect the seed from the cold winter weather.

Water the seed, keeping the ground moist but not soaked. Hopefully, by springtime, you’ll have a little sprout!

You might be wondering: why plant it right before the winter? That’s because peach seeds need a “cold treatment” before germination!

Planting your peach pit into the ground and then hoping for the best is a bit of a hazardous approach, as you might imagine. Fortunately, there is another option for those of you who wish to learn how to plant a peach seed with more predictable results: artificially germinating the seed indoors.

Indoor Germination Method

To begin the germination process, soak the pit in water for one to two hours. Then place it in a plastic bag with slightly moist peat moss or vermiculite, and store it in the refrigerator for about four months to replicate the cold treatment.

Make sure to keep your peach seed away from other produce that might emit ethylene gas because it could negatively affect the seeds’ germination process. Apples and bananas can be particularly problematic.

Your peach seed should put out little sprouts somewhere between two weeks and up to three months. Once the peach seed has completely sprouted into a young plant, you can transplant it into a container.

Gently remove the seed and root from its plastic bag. Plant your sprout in a good size container, at least 12 inches deep, for optimum root growth. Plant the sprout one inch deep, water frequently to keep the baby sprout moist, and keep the pot indoors.

Since germination is not guaranteed, it is good practice to germinate and plant several peach pits. If all goes well, you could have an orchard’s worth of sprouts to plant in the garden. And if you successfully germinate more than you need, they make excellent gifts.

Large Peach Tree

4. Hardening Off Your Peach Seedling

The next step in learning how to plant a peach seed is learning how to harden it off to transplant it outside. When your peach tree seedling has several sets of true leaves, it is time to acclimate it to the outside weather.

After the danger of the last frost has passed, move your potted peach tree outside in a sheltered area every day. Begin with one to two hours the first day, and add an hour each consecutive day. This gradually builds up the fruit tree’s ability to withstand the sun and outdoor temperatures.

5. Transplanting Your Peach Tree

Transplanting your peach tree is a satisfying chore; you have learned how to plant a peach seed from scratch, and it is time to showcase your hard work. Transplant your peach tree in-ground in a location that receives full sun and is somewhat sheltered from the wind.

If there is enough light and the soil drains well, you will realize that peach trees thrive with minimal but focused gardening care after learning how to plant a peach seed. Dig a deep hole to ensure you don’t bend or damage the roots when transplanting your tree. Keep the tree’s roots moist but not too wet during the first year.

6. Nurturing Your Peach Tree

Peach trees require the same type of care as any other fruit tree. Learning how to plant a peach seed means regularly watering when rainfall is low, proper pruning for shaping and branching to improve the quality and quantity of the harvest, and fruit thinning to improve the quality of your tree’s yield.

Check your peach trees regularly for signs of pests and disease. A common pest to watch for is peachtree borers. While they can be eliminated with the proper treatment, you don’t want them to get out of control.

Eating Your Peaches

The best part about learning how to plant a peach seed is finally getting to eat its fruit! The best way to enjoy your homegrown peaches is fresh from the tree with their juicy goodness dripping down your chin. You may need to keep a roll of paper towels close at hand!

Peaches make amazing jams, sauces, pies, crumbles, tarts, juices, and many other delicious sweet and savory goodies. They are one of nature’s sweet treats, and growing peaches will make you the most sought-after gardener with your friends and neighbors.

Peaches on a Table

Where To Buy Peach Trees

After learning how to plant a peach seed, it takes three or four years for a peach tree to grow and produce fruit from seed. If you don’t have that kind of patience, consider purchasing a peach tree to get your orchard started sooner while you wait for your mystery peaches to begin fruiting.

Peach trees might be available at your local nursery, though buying peach trees online is much easier!

We highly recommend the selection of peach trees available through one of our favorite online retailers, Nature Hills Nursery. They have a wide variety to choose from, so there’s sure to be a peach tree that’s right for you.

Now You Know How to Plant a Peach Seed!

I hope learning how to plant a peach seed has proven to be an informational and inspiring experience. Excited about more peach content? Check out the Peaches page on our website for more growing tips, info guides, recipes, and more!

Getting started on your seed growing journey? Use my seed starting guide to find care guides, helpful tips, product suggestions, and more!


Sunday 16th of April 2023

Hi, I grew a peach tree from a seed about 3 years. The tree is now several meters tall but with no fruit. What do I do to make it carry fruit?


Saturday 22nd of April 2023

Wait another 5-7 years!


Sunday 2nd of April 2023

Step 3 in the article appears to be missing. Can you please add it to the article? TIA!


Tuesday 11th of April 2023

Ha! Yes, fixing it soon.


Sunday 23rd of October 2022

I followed your lesson on planting a peach seed, I just looked at mine and they have little roots popping out. I am thrilled. I am 74 so I probable won't see them grow up though, but on the other hand so far I am pretty healthy so I will hope for the best. I have 7 acres good farm ground so things grow really good here. I have4 peach trees that came up by accident they produce some really good fruit. I want to thank you for teaching me about the planting and can't wait for summer again I love peaches. Marilyn Moon


Sunday 24th of April 2022

I live in a zone 7a. I planted two Sweetstar trees last spring. We prevented fruit from producing last year, but should we prevent it again this year?


Friday 6th of May 2022

@Matt, I don't know how old the tree was when we purchased it. It was bare root, but I can't image the tree being able to support the weight of the fruit.


Saturday 30th of April 2022

How old & how large is the tree? If it was just planted last year, then yes, probably. But it depends...