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Can Dogs Eat Grapefruit?

For many of us, grapefruit is a must-have in our diets. They’re tart, sweet, and citrusy – and best of all, loaded with vitamins and nutrients. But if they’re so good for humans, one can’t help but wonder: can dogs eat grapefruit?

Corgi dog with paws on table that has wedges of citrus fruit, including grapefruit  As a dog owner, you may wonder

Can Dogs Eat Grapefruit?

While there are some fruits you can give your furry friend as a healthy treat, grapefruit is better left off the list.

Canines can tolerate the flesh of grapefruit in small quantities, but the peel or rind is considered toxic and can cause significant health issues for dogs. Even small portions of the fruit’s flesh, which is not toxic but just very acidic, can cause issues for dogs.

Can Eating Grapefruit Harm My Dog?

Like many other citrus fruits, grapefruit rind and grapefruit seeds contain psoralens, which are toxic to dogs. In small quantities, psoralens are only likely to cause minor gastrointestinal distress, but they can be fatal when consumed in large amounts.

In addition to this, because of the high level of acidity and citric acid in grapefruit, dogs consuming this fruit may suffer from digestive issues, such as stomach upset and vomiting.

Continuous exposure to this fruit can cause issues with a dog’s kidney functions, as well as depression, weight loss, and lethargy.

Furthermore, grapefruit peels are indigestible for dogs, which can cause digestive tract blockages that may require emergency surgery.

For the reasons above, it’s better to keep unprepared grapefruit out of reach of your canines.

What to Do if Your Dog Eats Grapefruit

If you suspect your pup has ingested grapefruit rind and may be suffering from grapefruit toxicity, seek medical attention as a matter of urgency. They may require a trip to the animal hospital for a procedure that will help them expel any peels or seeds.

If you’ve fed your dog some grapefruit as a treat, keep an eye on them to ensure they are not suffering any adverse effects. At the first sign of distress, consult your veterinarian.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any health benefits of grapefruits for dogs?

Research has shown that there are no real benefits to feeding dogs grapefruit. Any nutritional advantage they may have for your pets is better gained elsewhere, such as through balanced dog food or vet-approved healthy snacks.

Can dogs drink grapefruit juice?

It is not a good idea to give your pup grapefruit juice. As with grapefruit flesh in general, the high levels of citric acid in grapefruit juice can irritate their digestive systems and cause illness or distress.

Do dogs like the taste of grapefruit?

Given its bitter, citrus flavor, dogs are not attracted to the taste of grapefruit and likely won’t opt to eat it willingly.

A dog being checked over at a veterinary hospital.

So, Can Dogs Eat Grapefruit?

Technically, yes, dogs can eat grapefruit flesh. However, it is not a good idea to feed it to them, as the cons definitely outweigh the pros.

If you want to learn more about which fruits dogs can and can’t eat, you can look at our list of articles on this topic here.

Sylvia Boronski

Sunday 27th of February 2022

I had a Doberman years ago that loved to share my fresh oranges with me. She actually ate them faster then I could peel then for us to eat, so one day I gave her a piece of grapefruit with the idea she would then stop begging. Surprise:. The first taste was super funny as she shook it and then dropped it and made funny faces. But then she picked it up and ate it and began begging for more. Her name was Shanni